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Why I like iPhone!
(Posted on 2007/08/29, 17:59:07)

Yesterday we were messing with iPhone for hours! We started at 6AM and we just tested a lot of different ways to find out a way to unlock iPhone without opening it!
As you know still no one found a way for it (I mean unlocking iPhone without using hardware methods)!
For unlocking iPhone you should make some changes in the firmware, but there is a single register in iPhone that won't allow you to do that! and you can not access that register with software, so we must keep that register 1 with a hardware method!
Right now there are many groups working on a software-only method, even some website said that they did that, but non of them proved it!


tips, unlock, iphone

We cracked iPhone in Iran for the first time!
(Posted on 2007/08/26, 01:19:34)

We do not claim that this method is fully ours! We just say that we were the first group in Iran that have successfully unlocked iPhone!
As you know unlocking iPhone was a global effort, and there were many groups helping each other to get succeeded in this process! Like other groups we were trying to do our method, but suddenly we've found out that someone have done it successfully. So we changed our direction to do this process faster!


Right now there is a software-only method for unlocking iPhone, so there is no need to open the iPhone, You can find more info about it in our web site about iPhone.
And please keep in mind that when I wrote this text, there weren't any other method for unlocking iPhone without opening it!


projects, news, iphone